SCRAPS Level Design
This is a level for the project game SCRAPS, created over the course of three game design courses.
I designed this level, constructed it from primitives and Unity store assets, and scripted the simple puzzle mechanic used. The player is tasked with entering an abandoned manor, bypassing the bizarre security system, and collecting a photo album left behind by the former owners.
This level took inspiration from action/adventure games such as Resident Evil and Tomb Raider for the platforming, puzzles, and setting. The project that this level contributed to gave the players access to a “Gravnull,” similar to the gravity gun from the Half Life series. By using this Gravnull, heavy decorative plates can be lifted and snapped into doors to allow them to open.
Below are images of some parts of the level in their blockmesh state as compared to the final version of the project.
Exterior - Blockmesh
Exterior - Final
Interior (Library) - Blockmesh
Interior (Library) - Final
Overhead - Blockmesh
Overhead - Final
These are some of the design documents created over the course of the project. The bubble diagram was use to inform a level map, which was then projected onto a flat plane in Unity to allow for an easy translation when the time came to build the level. The mechanics breakdown was created at the end of the initial design period to showcase level progression.
Design Documents
Level Pitch
This video was made to introduce my level idea to other designers in the program as we were creating our teams to make our version of the final game.